Free PMP Simulation Exams
Since you
came here, it means you finished your PMP Study as we agreed in Nasergy Study Plan, Congratulations! Now it is
time to practice, and as we agreed we need to solve 4-5 complete exams and
score in any of them 80% in order to say we are ready to take the exam and pass
from the first time.
In this article I show you some nice exam
simulators you can purchase any of them, but the surprise that don’t need to
purchase full simulator, but what you can do it to take the free questions in
each simulator to make 4-5 PMP exams so that you will try many exams from many
different simulators (different exams schools) which is good experience to you.
But my advice is to take one complete exam at one set without
cutting for long time of course you can take 10mins each 60 questions, but don’t
solve some questions and then sleep, then some questions, then watching a movie…
This will not work!
Take the exam.
Keep focus. Get it done. Then find out your gaps to cover them in the next exam
and so on.
Now I will
let you enjoy solving the questions and I will be there for any support…contact
me at my WhatsApp or email that mentioned in Contact us.
1. PM-Training
(Free 200 Questions), Click Here
2. Oliverlehmann
(Free 100 Questions), Click Here
3. PMP Practice
Exam (Free 200 Questions), Click Here
4. Simplilearn
(Free 200 Questions), Click Here
5. PM Exam Sim.
(Free 100 Questions), Click Here
6. PM Aspire (Free 200 Questions), Click Here
7. Rita Fast
Track (Free 25 Questions), Click Here
8. PM Tricks (Free 24 Questions), Click Here
9. Master of
Project Academy (Free
20 Questions), Click Here
EdWel Programs (Free 11 Questions), Click Here
PM Training (Free 10 Questions), Click Here
PMP Exam Prep “Mobile App. Daily
Practice”, Click Here